Allah, Jihad and Martyrdom
Emir Reza, Islam Watch
January 17, 2008

As a very quiet child I seldom harmed myself seriously in playground. Being an only child, my childhood at home was uneventful. My mother used to cook and sometimes do some needle works while I played in my own room. The worst I suffered was a fracture in my arm. This incident happened when I was engaged in my favorite sport of climbing on top of a cabinet. This unused cabinet, to my eyes then quite huge, was placed temporarily under the staircase in a position not quite suitable for practicing mountaineering. After a successful climb, I had to crouch under the staircase and survey from that great height the terra firma beneath. In one of my otherwise successful climbs to the summit, I felt giddy, lost my balance and fell down. I cannot remember now exactly what age I was at the time but I could not have been more than four years old. The experience was my first encounter with the Devil.

I distinctly remember that on seeing my mother, running to take me up and estimate the damage, the first thing I told her was that "Devil had pushed me over from the top of cabinet." I was so convinced of this that when my mom smiled I thought she meant that it was a favourite mode of diversion for the Devil to push children off the top of cabinets. I even went on to describe the devil as dark and fury not unlike a pineapple and slightly fatter than a pear in figure. It is apparent that I had seen a dark spot in front of my eyes while falling. Soon afterwards, one day I also discovered the "God." His silhouette could be seen on the ceiling of my bedroom in the shape of a snowman. These were my first experiences with the Devil and the God.

As I grew up, I became more acquainted with the two gentlemen. I discovered that the business of both was interference into people's lives. They were sufficiently equipped with all sorts of supernatural powers for this purpose and stuck to their duty with great care and dedication. Both were awe-inspiring figures and diligently competed with each other in taking position of our soles. Allah's major advantage over the devil was that he took all the credit for our personal achievements. Allah also got a lot of praise for the lucky incidents that just happened. While there apparently was only one Allah, we had a whole multitude of devils, some endowed with supernatural powers, others just plain humans. The human devils however were not themselves aware that
they were agents of the devil.

As if the rules of the game were not fantastic enough, we were also instructed that the devil cannot even be trusted to be the devil at all, but he might be Allah Himself camouflaged as the Devil to "test" his "slaves." This concept of "test" is a central theme in Islam and adds a good deal of confusion to its already confusing ideology. So I might have been just as well pushed off the cabinet by Allah himself, it seems. The brilliant idea behind this deception strategy of Allah is presumably to "test" and find out who among his subjects can be trusted. This "test", however, very much looks like "cheating." It has been the method of choice, by which villains and gangsters used to uncover potential rebels, from time immemorial. When we asked from our Mullahs why the "all-knowing Allah" has to employ such silly tricks to distinguish the true believers from the rest, the ingenious Mullahs promptly explained, "Allah knows every thing but he only wants to prove his knowledge to you", again a well known explanation used by those same crooks I referred to above. Allah is given a range of characteristics which some of them are, if not mutually exclusive, at least incongruent. Allah is a very evasive God. He keeps you in doubt about your future. What role this evasiveness of Allah plays in the whole scam?

Allah earns his living in Islam by uninterrupted harassment of Muslims and making himself a nuisance in general. Mullahs love to teach children from an early age that Allah is always watching over you. There is no way to shut the door on Allah. The spooky Allah never allows you a moment of privacy. The Allah Muslims know is always breathing down their necks or playing silly pranks. By denying you privacy and following you all the time and engaging you in a guessing-game while switching the roles of God and Devil, Allah aims to ultimately drive you mad and intimidate you into "submission into His will." Islam does not consider paranoia a disease; it is a sign of piety. Incredible stories told about Mullahs seeing visions and conversing with angels are quite common in Islam and are widely believed.

Some Muslims get so worked up by this constant pressure of "ever-present" Allah and the demanding Sharia Law, and are in such a state of mental turmoil that they go nuts and become suicidal. Here Quran gets into the act and offers an irresistible alternative to these gullible Muslims: "kill and get killed." By this, the suicidal Muslims not only get rid of the exacting Islamic life and constant bully of Allah and Mullahs once and for all, their sins are also all washed off in a flash. If that was not enough, they get unlimited access to a "heavenly brothel" into the bargain too. Now they are sure where they're going to end up when they are dead. This foolproof and highly profitable method of suicide is called "martyrdom."

It is important to notice the emphasis Quran lays on both "killing and getting killed" as conditions for all the benefits of Paradise. It clearly shows that these Jihadi Verses are strictly intended for Muslims with suicidal tendencies. By prohibiting entertainment and requiring the Muslims to live in gloom, helplessness, and hopelessness, Islam creates the perfect atmosphere for development of paranoia and a variety of mental illnesses and then by nurturing the deranged Muslims with hatred towards non-Muslims, unleashes the deadly terrorism it has come to be identified with.